
At a moment when the catch-word “democracy” is ubiquitous and evoked by a plethora of regimes internationally, this program and accompanying exhibition looks at the design and packaging of the notion of democracy, and how it became a consumer brand. The Vera List Center is gathering thinkers from the arts, law, the social sciences, the media, and other fields to engage in a multi-disciplinary investigation of “Branding Democracy,” positioning this form of governance in terms of marketing and market shares, design and visual concepts, and consumer culture and agency. Practitioners from various fields examine this phenomenon and uncover possible reasons for it, thus indirectly also indicating a way out.
For the first time, Vera List Center public programs are accompanied by an exhibition presented at Parsons The New School for Design, “OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding.” The exhibition is complemented by a range of lectures, talks, performances, workshops and participatory events, many of which take place in the gallery, within an “open” structure designed for this purpose by British artist Liam Gillick.